- Zeta Ophiuchi 是一颗单星,可能曾经有一个伴星在被超新星撞击时被摧毁。
- 超新星爆炸将斯皮策(绿色和红色)和钱德拉数据(蓝色)中看到的蛇夫座泽塔送入太空。
- 钱德拉发现的 X 射线源自通过冲击波效应加热到数百万度的气体。
- 科学家们正在努力匹配这个物体的计算模型,以解释在不同波长获得的数据。
Zeta Ophiuchi 是一颗有着复杂过去的恒星,因为它很可能被一次强大的恒星爆炸驱逐出家乡。 一个新的详细外观[{” attribute=””>NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory helps tell more of the history of this runaway star.
Located approximately 440 light-years from Earth, Zeta Ophiuchi is a hot star that is about 20 times more massive than the Sun. Evidence that Zeta Ophiuchi was once in close orbit with another star, before being ejected at about 100,000 miles per hour when this companion was destroyed in a supernova explosion over a million years ago has been provided by previous observations.
In fact, previously released infrared data from NASA’s now-retired Spitzer Space Telescope, seen in this new composite image, reveals a spectacular shock wave (red and green) that was formed by matter blowing away from the star’s surface and slamming into gas in its path. A bubble of X-ray emission (blue) located around the star, produced by gas that has been heated by the effects of the shock wave to tens of millions of degrees, is revealed by data from Chandra.
A team of astronomers has constructed the first detailed computer models of the shock wave. They have begun testing whether the models can explain the data obtained at different wavelengths, including X-ray, infrared, optical, and radio observations. All three of the different computer models predict fainter X-ray emissions than observed. In addition, the bubble of X-ray emission is brightest near the star, whereas two of the three computer models predict the X-ray emission should be brighter near the shock wave. The team of astronomers was led by Samuel Green from the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies in Ireland.
未来,这些科学家计划用额外的物理特性测试更复杂的模型——包括湍流和粒子加速的影响——看看与 X 射线数据的一致性是否得到改善。
描述这些发现的论文已被该期刊接受 天文学和天体物理学. 这里使用的钱德拉数据最初是由西班牙安达卢西亚天体物理研究所的 Jesús Toala 分析的,他还撰写了导致观测结果的提案。
参考:“电弧冲击的热发射。II. Zeta Oviucci 的 3D 磁流体动力学模型”,作者:S. Green、J. Mackey、P. Kavanagh、T. J. Haworth、M. Moutzouri 和 V. V. Gvaramadze,已接受, 天文学和天体物理学.
DOI: 10.1051 / 0004-6361 / 202243531
NASA 的马歇尔太空飞行中心负责管理钱德拉计划。 史密森尼天体物理天文台的钱德拉 X 射线中心控制着来自马萨诸塞州剑桥的科学操作和来自马萨诸塞州伯灵顿的飞行操作。
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