设计师起诉 Capcom 不当使用许可材料, 有棱纹的 报告. 根据周五提起的诉讼,Capcom 使用未经许可的图像作为其艺术资产。 生化危机4而 鬼泣,以及其他游戏。
Jodi A. Juracek,作家和艺术家,主持人 西装 周五在康涅狄格州的美国地方法院。 1996年,Juracek.发表 Surfaces: Visual Research For Artists, Architects, And Designers, a compendium of detailed photographs largely focusing on surface textures and how they change over time. In addition to interviews with a handful of design experts, the book is intended to allow people to use those photos in projects. But, as Friday’s suit states, using the photos for commercial purposes requires a licensing fee, which Capcom allegedly did not pay.
Juracek supplemented the complaint with more than 100 pages of supporting documents, showing photographic comparisons between screenshots of Capcom’s video games and photographs from Surfaces. In one, you can clearly see the facade of a door in Surfaces matching the facade of a door in Resident Evil. Another photo directly mirrors the cracked-glass designed that characterizes the “4″ in the Resident Evil 4 logo.
Theoretically, it is very technically possible that, in making these games, Capcom sent photographers to each and every cited location in Juracek’s tome. That seems highly unlikely, and would be a high bar to clear in court.
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Friday’s suit states that Capcom owes Juracek anywhere from $2,500 to $25,000 per photo, and says that Capcom unlawfully used around 80 photos in total. The suit also claims Capcom could owe Juracek up to $12 million for copyright infringement, alongside legal fees. Lawyers are requesting a jury trial.
Capcom told Polygon it is “aware of the lawsuit” but declined to comment further to the outlet.
阅读 有棱纹的在这里报告,其中包括投诉的下载副本和完整的文件
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